Tuesday, May 18, 2010

H.A.V.O.C. #2

Well here I am back with H.A.V.O.C.#2 already.I thought I just had to do one of these blog things every now and then,but I am under severe pressure from the CHAIRMAN to do this on a more regular basis (weekly?),if it stops being fun I'm outta here.
But seriously back to the business of being a film fan and having some more random musings!I saw "Robin Hood" the other night Russell Crowes/Ridley Scotts latest blockbuster.These two have made 5 films together,"Gladiator","A Good Year","American Gangster","Body of Lies" and now "Robin Hood".Poor old Russell seems to have a bit of an attitude problem though,he even walked out of an interview the other day and was very rude to the interviewer.I think he is inclined to take himself a bit too seriously and I think he has absolutely no sense of humour.He has never done a comedy film,well o.k."A Good Year" was kind of light-hearted but it wasn't very good.Could you imagine Russell in a film where he makes a bit of an eejit out of himself?Look at some of the so called A-LIST actors who have taken roles that show them in an unflattering (but comic)light,George Clooney in "O Brother Where Art Thou",Brad Pitt in "Twelve Monkeys" even (I hate admitting this) Tom Cruise in "Tropic Thunder",why not grumpy old Russell.
Cannes Film Festival is also on at the moment.I read an article recently saying that there are no female directors competing for the main prize ,the"Palme D'Or",this year.I find that a bit ironic considering that Katherine Bigelow won the best director award at this years Oscars.There were three female directors in competition in Cannes last year.Jane Campion (Bright Star),Andrea Arnold (Fish Tank)and Isabel Coixet (Map of the Sounds of Tokyo).Both "Bright Star" and "Fish Tank" are easily attainable on d.v.d.,lets hope things are a bit more balanced next year.

This brings me to a film that I am very excited about that also has a female director.A couple of years ago I read a book called "Winter's Bone" by a writer called Daniel Woodrell.I'm a big fan ,I've read all his books.His book "Woe to Live on" was made into the film "Ride with the Devil" which was directed by Ang Lee and starred Lee's regular actor Tobey Maguire.This was an excellent revisionist American Civil War drama that received much critical acclaim but little commercial success on its release.
"Winters Bone" the book was first published in 2006 and now the film is doing the festival circuit prior to its general release.It won the Grand Jury prize at the Sundance Film Festival this year(that's the biggest prize you can win at Sundance, the independent film awards equivalent of the best film Oscar).This film is one of those that I talked about in my last blog insomuch as it ticks all the right boxes.It was directed by Debra Granik who made two previous films dealing with similar themes.I wont say anymore about it,I don't want to spoil it for you but remember where you heard about it first!I might have a bit of info on Swedish films next time.
Hugh Hyland

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