clash of the ash |
I know I knowI KNOW its been a few weeks since my last blog.... for my penance I'll blog 3 hail holy blogs....whoops better stop, getting into blasphemous territory there........Anyway I've had a pretty busy few weeks with Film Premieres (Kildare ones) G.A.A. matches (Kildare again) and visitors.Has there ever been a good film made about Gaelic football? Not a t.v series, a film? There was a good one about hurling in the 90's called CLASH OF THE ASH,it starred the guy who played BLACKIE in GLENROE.Can't mention GLENROE without mentioning the great MICK LALLY a true original who will be sadly missed.
Us rascals at ATHYFILMCLUB are pretty chuffed with ourselves at the great reception and turnout we got for HIS & HERS recently.KEN WARDROP could'nt have been more accomadating,plus it was great to get an insight into film-making straight from the source.We would love to do something similar in the future.
Our next extraordinary event is the screening of SPIELBERGS classic sci-fi flick E.T.This will be a free event in conjunction with CULTURE NIGHT.
I havent really gone on a rant yet so here goes.
What about those film critics eh?You know I'M not a critic I've told you enough times already.
H.A.C.O.C.#1.I suppose you could say if I were to review a film it would'nt be a critique more of a fanalysis.Thats a new word I made up.I read reviews all the time.I reckon most of my cinematic knowledge comes from reviews.I have a good memory for the things that interest me, we are all the same in that respect.Anyway some critics bug the sh..oops...hell outta me.You get to know their style after a while who they like as directors and so on.Some well respected Irish newspaper film critics can't seem to find the time to review all the new releases.Some excuse about the distributor not making the film available for a press screening.Why dont they go the the next week and pay the admission fee, we dont mind if the review is a week late do we? In fairness most of these films are crap and the distributors dont want crap reviews.
But what if one of these films is actually good? This happened earlier this year,with the biographical feature of singer IAN DURY'S life called SEX&DRUGS&ROCK'N'ROLL.This film got great reviews in the British press but nothing at all about it here (I'm sure someone can correct me on this).What if it was one of the "Films of the Year" do we just forget about it over here?Come on you guys do your jobs.
This remind me of other instances of artistic snobbery.On certain arts reVIEW programmes on RTE you will have guest reviewers actually giving away the plot! It's like us mere mortals watching the programme do not count,the plot doesnt matter the dramatic tension and all that doesnt matter all that matters is that some minor celeb gets to waffle on in a psuedo-intellectual manner.The fact that I have photos of THE IRISH TIMES and THE VIEW on my blog page is purely coincidental!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's about time alright that you got back to the serious business of keepng H.A.V.O.C. up to date !!!